Need A Sitter is a word-of-mouth babysitting referral service.
The company phone number is not listed. For the safety of everyone (clients, sitters and operators), you must be referred into the system.
Need A Sitter will teach you, the franchisee, how to recruit clients and sitters through word-of-mouth marketing and networking.
To become a client:
A client is referred into the system either by the operator, a friend or current client/sitter.
A client joins the service paying an annual membership fee.
They then pay the operator a placement fee for all jobs requested.
To become a sitter:
All sitters are 18 years of age or older.
Sitters are referred into the system either by the operator, a friend or current client/sitter.
Sitters are interviewed, and also go through a background and reference check.
Sitters set their own schedules of availability.
The role of the operator:
The operator matches up a client’s request with a sitter’s availability and personality to complete the job.
All job requests are given to the operator by the client.
The client is billed a placement fee by the operator
The client pays the babysitter directly (a suggested minimum rate set by the operator; and this usually is accompanied by a tip).
A client may not contact a babysitter directly to request a job.